Vivamax Lagaslas is a romantic drama directed by Christopher Novabos and written by Byron Bryant, a young man named Edmar becomes deeply enamored with Karisma, a barrio girl. As their love story unfolds, Edmar discovers Karisma’s deepest, darkest secret, raising questions about the endurance of their love. Starring Victor Relosa, Manang Medina, and Julio Diaz, […]
Orphaned cousins Claudia and Dyosa see their lives upended when a carnival comes to town. Directed and written by Roe Pajemna, the film stars Tiffany Grey as Claudia, Apple Dy as Dyosa, and Aila Cruz. As the cousins navigate the allure of the carnival, their innocence is surrendered, leading to a shattering of dreams. Enjoy […]
“Punit na Langit” takes us on a rollercoaster of emotions as we delve into the intertwined lives of two orphaned cousins, Claudia and Dyosa, in a small town disrupted by the arrival of a carnival. Directed and written by Roe Pajemna, the film stars Tiffany Grey as Claudia and introduces Apple Dy in her debut […]
Directed by Jose Javier Reyes | Starring Yen Durano, Apple Dy, Chloe Jenna, Aerol Carmelo, Jaggy Lejano, Joey Reyes, Enzo Santiago | Produced by Viva Films | Distributed by Vivamax | Release Date: September 14, 2023 | Running Time: 92 minutes | Country: Philippines | Language: Filipino Vivamax “Patikim-Tikim,” the 2023 Filipino romance sex comedy, […]
In the heart of the Filipino film industry blooms a sensual and suspenseful masterpiece, “Ligaw na Bulaklak” (Wild Flower), directed by the talented Jeffrey Hidalgo. This 2023 Vivamax release takes its audience on a wild journey deep into the woods, where secrets unravel and passions ignite. At the center of this tantalizing tale is the […]
Meet Angela Morena, the multi-talented Filipina sensation who has been making waves in the entertainment industry vivamax. While her birthdate remains a mystery, her impact in the world of acting, modeling, and social media is undeniable. Early Life and Background Angela Morena hails from the beautiful archipelago of the Philippines. Raised in a close-knit family, […]
Director: Linnet Zurbano Stars: Angela Morena, Yuki Sakamoto, Alexa Ocampo In the world of cinema, there are films that surprise, challenge, and redefine genres. “BJJ: Woman on Top 2023” is one such gem that seamlessly weaves the threads of martial arts and romance into a captivating tapestry. Directed by the talented Linnet Zurbano, the film […]
In the realm of Vivamax, where the lines between sensuality and storytelling often blur, Langitngit emerges as a cinematic journey through the labyrinth of human relationships, sprinkled with explicit scenes that, at times, seem more abundant than necessary. The narrative introduces Layla Lejandro, portrayed by the non-conventional Manang Medina, who embarks on a quest for […]
In the realm of independent cinema, Director Ato Bautista has made a name for himself by tackling unconventional and thought-provoking subjects. His latest venture, “Ahasss,” is no exception. Written and directed by Bautista himself, the film explores the tumultuous journey of Jake, a young houseboy who becomes entangled in a web of love, betrayal, and […]
Director: Bobby Bonifacio Jr. Writers: Wiro Michael Ladera, Maya Diaz Stars: Aiko Garcia, Maui Taylor, Matthew Francisco In the provocative world of Vivamax originals, Haliparot 2023 emerges as a steamy coming-of-age film that defies expectations and explores the complexities of desire. Directed by Bobby Bonifacio Jr. and featuring a talented cast led by Aiko Garcia, […]